Falcon Tatva, a unique and incredible residential project in the heartland of Bhubaneswar designed exclusively to encompass the five elements of the universe. Nestled in tranquillity this expansive gated community with Four towers G+17 spread across 3.92* acres, Pollution free living amidst greenery An array of lifestyle amenities Vibrant outdoor spaces dotted with innovative sculptures Separate Club complex with luxurious offerings
Project Overview | |
Location | Falcon Tatva, Khandagiri, Bhubaneswar,751019 |
Land Area | 4 Acres (Approx.) |
No. of Units | 268 Apts |
No. of Floors | G + 17 Floors |
No. of Towers | 4 Tower |
Unit Variants | 3, 4 BHK Apts |
Possession Date | Feb 2028 Onwards |
RERA Regd. No. | RP/19/2023/00922 |
1527 – 1711 Sq.Ft.
2078 Sq.Ft.